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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you accept insurance?


Unfortunately, at The Center for Genuine Growth, PLLC, insurance is not accepted at this time.  For questions about cost of services, please contact the office at 689-500-3570.  A fee schedule can be provided. The total fee for treatment services will be the number of sessions multiplied by the ongoing session fee. The number of total sessions in the treatment is unknown at the outset and is based on the client's needs, preferences, and progress made in treatment. For more information on the No Surprises Act, feel free to visit our notice,, or call 1-800-985-3059.

Where are you located?


The Center for Genuine Growth, PLLC is a telehealth psychotherapy practice.  We serve clients in all psypact states.

What is Telehealth? 
What is evidence-based therapy?
Who is Dr. Dour?
What therapy services do you provide?

Please visit the About and Therapy pages to learn more about telehealth, evidence-based practice, Dr. Dour, and the types of therapy she offers. 

What to expect in therapy?

What to expect

We have all seen movies and TV shows that portray a classic scene of a patient lying or sitting on a couch and talking about their childhood or sharing their deepest secrets with a therapist.  Surprisingly, therapy often looks different than this.  The most effective form of therapy for most mental health conditions is therapy that identifies treatment targets and goals, identifies the function of why we do what we do, and provides tools to help you reach your treatment goals.  This includes practicing new skills at home between sessions, like you would do if you were learning a new language.  


The intention of skills-based treatment is to equip clients with the ability to cope and function independently.  Therefore, treatment is meant to be time-limited.  It typically is offered as frequently as once a week for the first few months and is offered less frequently, as needed, thereafter.  






After a brief telephone call to determine if The Center for Genuine Growth, PLLC is an appropriate fit, clients will be scheduled for an initial 90-minute intake, which will be completed over the secure video portal.  During this appointment, Dr. Dour will assess for symptoms/history, treatment goals, and other relevant information.  In addition, the intake is an opportunity for clients to ask questions about treatment and collaboratively work with Dr. Dour to figure out the right treatment for them. Frequently, the initial assessment can take more than one session, including up to 4 sessions for certain disorders.


Next, clients should expect to meet with their therapist weekly over the computer for one-on-one treatment, similar to in person care.  It is recommended that clients bring a notebook and writing utensil to take notes.  Throughout treatment, education and new skills will be provided.  Between sessions, clients are expected to practice what they learned in session in order to strengthen their learning, similar to what would be expected of someone receiving physical therapy for an injury.  


During some sessions, Dr. Dour may provide questionnaires for you to complete, which can help determine whether someone is benefiting from therapy and inform next steps in treatment.  All questionnaires and forms will be sent to clients via a secure message portal that clients can access at any time. 

Brief Phone Call

Initial assessment / treatment planning

Weekly therapy for a time-limited duration until goals are met

As needed


What should I bring to therapy?

What should I bring

It is recommended that clients bring a notebook and writing utensil to take notes.  Throughout treatment, education and new skills will be provided.  Between sessions, clients are expected to practice what they learned in session in order to strengthen their learning, similar to what would be expected of someone receiving physical therapy for an injury.  

Which therapy is appropriate for me?

Which therapy

At The Center for Genuine Growth, PLLC, we offer many treatment options to help clients with their mental health goals.  This means that if one treatment is not the right fit, there are other treatment options.  Part of the evidence-based practice we offer at The Center for Genuine Growth, PLLC is collaboration of treatment planning.  This means that the client is educated on all treatment options for the symptoms and goals they are presenting with.  Further, the client and therapist work collaboratively to identify which treatment is the right fit.  Science has demonstrated that client preference for treatment is a major contributor to treatment success. 


Do you treat children or adolescents?

Unfortunately, I only work with adults and do not provide psychotherapy services to minors. 

The Center for Genuine Growth, PLLC
Treats residents in all psypact states

Psypact Certification
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